Instrumente Structurale 2007-2013
Programul Operațional Sectorial „Creșterea Competitivității Economice” co-finanțat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională
„Investiții pentru viitorul dumneavoastră”
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Centru avansat de cercetari medicale si farmaceutice / CCAMF
Proiect cofinanţat prin Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională

The state-of-the-art technology and the ability to use it will allow the accreditation of the Research center, in line with the European Federation for immunogenetic standards. The laboratory will be suitable for special tests according to the highest standards and will also provide research services to other institutions.

The overall objective of the project was to increase the capacity of research and development in medical and pharmaceutical fields in Mures County and the Central Region of the country by establishing a Center for advanced medical and pharmaceutical research. This Center will ensure an increase in the quality and scientific achievement in these areas as part of the Romanian Research-Development-Infrastructure system. It will also intensify international research activities by concluding new partnerships and attracting researchers, it will contribute to the world stock of knowledge and increased the quality of life by finding healthcare solutions.

The infrastructure of this center will restart research activities in the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures; the Center will include 6 functional exploration laboratories, 4 research laboratories and a cell, DNA and plasma bank, equipped with state-of-the-art devices based on the latest technology, eight of which are unique or very rare in Romania
Functional Explorations Laboratory
- Electroencephalography and electromyography (EEG-EMG)
- Syncope and other autonomic disorders (SINC)
- Cardiac and vascular imaging (ECHO)
- Electrocardiography (ECG)
- Stress testing (STRESS)
- Metabolic disease testing (METAB-DZ)
Research laboratories
- Humoral immunology
- Cellular immunology
- Chromatography and mass spectrometry
- Molecular Biology/Genetics
- Microscopy
Cell and plasma bank
- Cells
- Plasma
- Serum

8-bed stationary
- Special environment for patients
- Short-term monitoring
Conference Room
- 50 places
- HD video conferencing
- Interpreter station
Study spaces
- 24 working stations
- Resting areas
- Last floor – beautiful panorama
Our services
Research performance
The laboratories of the Center for Advanced Medical and Pharmaceutical Research laboratories will be able to provide improved diagnostic services for patients, including the unique features of laboratory tests:
- Finding solutions to major public health problems in Romania
- Providing genetic and molecular diagnostic services for rare diseases
- Involvement in research projects funded by public and/ or private funds
- Participation in studies funded by the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry
Prognosis of appropriate response/ toxic effects to therapy is a highly topical concept in medicine, given that more and more drugs do not correspond to the “one size fits all” principle. Monitoring therapy according to the pharmacokinetic criterion:
- pharmacogenomics research to identify the risk of therapeutic failure, toxicity or inadequate dosage based on plasma concentrations (determined by HPLC/ MS/ MS) correlated with genetic analysis (identification of alleles with modified activity)
- in this respect not only the Functional exploration laboratories, but also the chromatography and mass spectrometry, as well as the Molecular Biology/ Genetics laboratories will contribute.